
just a trike



The bits & pieces that don't fit anywhere else

This is the easy one...   the links below and the menu links on the left say it all



All you ever need to know about me ‑ Triker ‑ and/or this site



A bookshelf full of stuff to read before, during and after a tour

There is plenty of material available on the web to help plan a tour - bike mechanicals, endurance training, packing lists, travel guides etc etc etc - so the bookshelf doesn't have any of this stuff , what is listed here is meant to give you 'flavour' and/or background rather than nitty gritty details

Much of the list is taken up with stuff about Islam and/or the Middle East simply because it's most likely to be the least known/understood. We all know about France for example. Right?   Peut-être pas. Les français ne sont pas fromage mangeant des singes de reddition



The inevitable list of links to other websites, chosen, as usual, by a totally ecelectic process

There are links to help plan a tour, to bicycle advocacy groups, to trike manufacturers and more...   just take a look


Privacy Policy

The fine print!   In short, as no cookies are used, no personal information is collected. But read the policy anyway



If you read something on the site but can't remember where, just use the Google powered search page


Site Map

Another way to find something on the site



Stuff about reciprocal hospitality opportunity for cyclists


What's New?

What's been added or updated recently




Copyright © 2003 - Grant Walter   Version: 1.1 (February 26 2021)


Backgound image: Mountain road near Asmara, Eritrea
Banner image: Ksour, Matmata, Tunisia